Plot Neighbor Distances

This example shows ho to plot the distances of nearby elements to a specific element (d<10)

# pylint: disable=pointless-statement
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mesh2vec.mesh2vec_cae import Mesh2VecCae

Load Shell from ANSA

hg = Mesh2VecCae.from_ansa_shell(
df = hg.to_dataframe()

Find neighbors for specific node and store their distance

TEST_EID = "1001546"
distances = range(0, 10)
test_neighborhood = [hg.get_nbh(TEST_EID, i) for i in distances]
in_dist_range = np.array(
    [[d if vtx in test_neighborhood[d] else 0 for vtx in hg.vtx_ids()] for d in distances]
(10, 6400)

Check number of neighbors

np.sum(in_dist_range > 0, axis=1)
array([ 0,  8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 53])

plot distance for neighbors

    pd.DataFrame({"vtx_id": hg.vtx_ids(), "f1": np.sum(in_dist_range, axis=0)})
name = hg.aggregate("f1", 0, np.mean)
fig = hg.get_visualization_plotly(str(name))

Access the results

vtx_id f1-mean-0
0 4700000 0
1 4700001 0
2 4700002 0
3 4700003 0
4 4700004 0
... ... ...
6395 2002173 0
6396 2002174 0
6397 2002175 0
6398 2002176 0
6399 2002177 0

6400 rows × 2 columns

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.318 seconds)

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